Open Station Mind Message
Query about the use of weapons in the lattice of the fruiting body. Violation of norms lacking from the scenting of things. Small concerns about unimportance.
Impedance of flesh resulted from transference of loyalty. What cruelness when Arm turns on Arm, and hatching pools turn orange with blood. Then to High Lfarr we look for help.
. . .
Yeah, so the station mind wasn’t going to be much help. In all honesty, it was surprising the mind was as coherent as it was, seeing as it was some sort of unholy hybrid between a human brain, Jelly brain, and the Seed/Soft Blade.
You shake your head and hurry on, still thinking about the mind’s words. There was something to them, if you could just suss it out. . . . You have an unpleasant feeling you’re going to have to talk with the damn thing before this whole affair is over. Surely it must have seen what happened. . . .