Nightmare Ships
Artwork by Finnian MacManus, Terraform Studios
“Four meat-red ships sailed overhead, their tortured hulls glistening like raw flesh. Nightmares.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

These monstrosities combined elements of human and Jelly anatomy in grotesque ships that housed the nightmares themselves. The vessels traveled at enormous speed and showed little regard for self-preservation.
“. . . even as she looked at the galaxy and marveled in its radiance, another of the nightmare ships sailed into view, a torpedo-shaped growth of crimson carnality.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“. . . the nightmares could out-accelerate even the Jellies. That implied a level of technology that only a highly advanced interstellar civilization could possess, which just didn’t seem to match with the creatures they’d been seeing.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“The long, angular ships (they looked like bundles of enormous femurs bound together with strips of exposed muscle) were on the opposite side of the planet, but they were accelerating at the same insane, cell-destroying g’s the other nightmares had employed” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Don’t judge by appearances, Kira cautioned herself. For all she knew, the ravening, animal-like nightmares with the shark teeth were as intelligent as a ship mind.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars