Jorrus (left) and Veera (right) Artwork by Imogene Chayes, 9B Collective
“Have you ever considered the fact that everything we are originates from the remnants of stars that once exploded?”
“Vita ex pulvis.”
“We are made from the dust of dead stars.”
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
The skin of this hive mind linked duo was chalk white and laced with silver wires and gleaming blue tattoos, which formed circuit-like patterns that concealed mysterious nanotech. Their gradient robes displayed the stylized rising phoenix logo of their order.
“Many Entropists engaged in fairly radical gene-hacking. At least that was the theory, based off their often wildly divergent appearance. And it was common knowledge that their clothes were packed full of miniaturized tech, some of which bordered on the miraculous.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars