. Unity Artwork by Pablo Dominguez, Terraform Studios
Kira constructed Unity using technology drawn from the Seed’s vast store of knowledge. Unlike any human or Jelly station, it was an amalgam of organic and inorganic materials, filled with living, growing elements, an ecosystem drawn from different races to form a harmonious whole.
“This is a place for coming together, Admiral. It is a living, breathing thing that will continue to grow and blossom with time. There are rooms fit for humans, and rooms for Jellies. Other creatures will live here also, caretakers that will tend to Unity’s many parts.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
To help maintain the station, Kira and the Seed created the Caretakers.
“. . . for everyone who wants to live on or visit Unity: no weapons allowed. If you bring them on board, I will destroy them and expel you.”
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Before Kira departed Unity, she separated the parts of her brain that came from Carr/Qwon and left the reborn mind in charge of the station. Childish and yet incredibly powerful, the station mind needed time to find its own purpose and identity.
Unity Exterior with UMC and Wranaui Ships Docked
Unity Presence Chamber
“It is a space station, Admiral. Not a ship. Not a weapon. A home.” To Sleep in a Sea of Stars